All our staff and Tier 1 suppliers receive a living wage.


100% FACT staff earning living wage.

100% Tier 1 suppliers with adequate policies.

Provide clients with products that align with leading sustainability standards.


100% Identify products that offer evidence of compliance to industry standard accreditations


Advance sustainability education and advocacy in the furniture industry.


Weekly staff sustainability and product training.

A narrative on the resulting benefits for our stakeholders.


Support innovative, new manufacturers to break into the UK market.


Six businesses supported through the S&P Incubator scheme.

Narrative of the benefits achieved.


Advance the sustainability of the furniture industry.


Active member of the Sustainable Design Collective

Volunteer management member of Business Declares!

Narrative on the working group activity and impact.


Minimise waste and increase circularity. All suppliers meet responsible business criteria.


Kg waste per year by type.

% of waste reused or recycled.

Tons furniture donated for reuse.

Charities worked with and received benefit.

% Suppliers applying the ESG standards and requirements.


Align our climate impact with the Paris Agreement 1.5C target. Enable clients to align their furniture procurement with the Paris Agreement 1.5C target.


Scope 1 emissions 0

Scope 2 emissions 2.641 tCO2e

Scope 3 emissions (estimate) 1,110.305 tCO2e

% Suppliers with embodied carbon data (no EPD).


Prevent deforestation and protect biodiversity.


100% Supply chain confirming legal compliance.

100% Supply chain confirming sustainable sources.

Scope 1,2 & 3 emissions


Ensure full legal compliance for S&P and supply chains.


100% Tier1 suppliers with adequate policies.