Working with Sheppard Robson and the BBC is an absolute treat. With an interior scheme created around neurodiversity and greater sustainability our portfolio is primary UK based although others with strong environmental credentials are always considered. The BBC is a complicated place to work. Security makes accessibility restricted and our team had to be inducted and trained. Installations are generally out of hours and the News Room is particularly restrictive. But it’s worth it. The BBC values the people that it works with. They are curious and want to know the stories of the individuals which who they are dealing. From stories of carpenters that makes guitars in their spare time to small businesses that give back something more than a job to their local community.

“I'm delighted to give FACT, the furniture supplier who has been a crucial team member on numerous projects of various sizes and locations, a glowing recommendation. They have earned our trust by providing excellent service and having a thorough understanding of our company's approach to accessibility and environmental sustainability. The personable and courteous manner of Dom and the team makes them stand out in the field. They have cultivated a friendly and cooperative relationship from the start, making every interaction enjoyable and easy. Every part of their work, from early discussions to project implementation, demonstrates their professionalism. Above all, FACT has proven to be a reliable partner. Their open and straightforward communication has established a strong basis of confidence, and we can always count on them to keep their commitments. Their thorough preparation and attention to detail ensure that each job is completed flawlessly. Whatever the challenge, Dom and the team address it with positivity. Their innovative problem-solving abilities and desire to go above and beyond have consistently exceeded our expectations. They have demonstrated their capacity to tackle projects of varying complexity, delivering unique solutions that exactly fit our requirements. Working with FACT has been a pleasure, and I know we hope to continue our successful collaboration in the future.” Neil Davis, BBC Workplace